Still one user managed to capture video from the game and shared it online. This method worked for some people who were able to use this exploit in time but it appears that Microsoft had patched it rather quickly. Find Left 4 Dead 2 and continue selecting it until it lets you download it.Go into my profile and look at following/followers.On your Xbox One, search for my gamertag: Apherix.This exploit was discovered by reddit and here is what the user had to say regarding this exploit. Now an exploit has been discovered that allowed users to download and install Left 4 Dead 2 on their Xbox One. This announcement has resulted in some exciting finds the past few days including games like Left 4 Dead 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament reportedly being playable on the Xbox One via backwards compatibility. While backwards compatible games were updated each month for the Xbox One, Microsoft has now changed this release schedule and confirmed that the games will be available as soon as they are ready, which means there won’t be any wait to get an official announcement for them like in the past. Left 4 Dead 2 is not a backwards compatible game officially but a new exploit was discovered by users that allowed them to install the game, even if it wasn’t supported officially by Microsoft.